SNP Report
Name | rs1135314   dbSNP |
Location | chr:9,139258462 |
Allele | A/G |
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27 and 1000 Genomes phase I data. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2 >=0.8.
rs_ID | r2[population][source] |
rs10781506 | 0.87[ASN][1000 genomes] |
rs10870139 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs11145910 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs11145917 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs11145974 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs11146021 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
rs28679497 | 0.85[ASN][1000 genomes] |
rs3812578 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs3812594 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
rs3812595 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
rs3923776 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
rs4075078 | 0.92[ASN][1000 genomes] |
rs4400499 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs4413892 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
rs563 | 1.00[CHB][hapmap];1.00[JPT][hapmap] |
rs61386106 | 0.88[ASN][1000 genomes] |
rs9314867 | 0.85[JPT][hapmap] |
Symbol | Regulation type |
CARD9 | Proximal transcriptional regulation |
DNLZ | Proximal transcriptional regulation |
DHTKD1 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SRSF6 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
KIFC1 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
PMPCA | Distal transcriptional regulation |
QSOX2 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SNORA43 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SNHG7 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SNORA17 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
EGFL7 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
ENSG00000266402 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SNORD104 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SNORA76 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SDCCAG3 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
C9orf163 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
KIAA1984 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
RABL6 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
CARD9 | RNA binding protein mediated regulation |
Copyright: Bioinformatics Lab, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Feedback
Last update: March 26, 2014