SNP Report
Name | rs13189284   dbSNP |
Location | chr:5,131744101 |
Allele | A/C |
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27 and 1000 Genomes phase I data. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2 >=0.8.
rs_ID | r2[population][source] |
rs1004234 | 1.00[CEU][hapmap];0.81[AMR][1000 genomes];0.95[EUR][1000 genomes] |
rs10080188 | 0.92[EUR][1000 genomes] |
rs11242111 | 1.00[CEU][hapmap];0.91[TSI][hapmap];0.95[EUR][1000 genomes] |
rs13168774 | 0.81[AFR][1000 genomes] |
rs1981525 | 1.00[CEU][hapmap];1.00[TSI][hapmap];0.81[AMR][1000 genomes];0.95[EUR][1000 genomes] |
rs274547 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs274548 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs274549 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs274551 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs274552 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs274553 | 0.93[YRI][hapmap];0.84[AFR][1000 genomes] |
rs274554 | 0.90[YRI][hapmap] |
rs2897160 | 0.86[YRI][hapmap] |
rs4451042 | 1.00[CEU][hapmap];1.00[TSI][hapmap];0.81[AMR][1000 genomes];0.95[EUR][1000 genomes] |
rs4705941 | 0.86[YRI][hapmap] |
rs6596075 | 0.86[YRI][hapmap] |
Symbol | Regulation type |
C5orf56 | Proximal transcriptional regulation |
SLC22A5 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
IRF1 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
C5orf56 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
IL4 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
IL5 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
RAD50 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
AFF4 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
SEPT8 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
KIF3A | Distal transcriptional regulation |
IL3 | Distal transcriptional regulation |
Copyright: Bioinformatics Lab, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Feedback
Last update: March 26, 2014